ReiseBank Branches in Wiesbaden, Germany

List of ReiseBank Branches in Wiesbaden, Germany, including branch / ATM name, location details, contact info (phone, fax, email address), provided services and operating hours (if applicable).

List of ReiseBank Bank Offices Locations in Wiesbaden, Germany with addresses, contact phone numbers and opening times.

ReiseBank Wiesbaden Central Station
Central Station
Tel.: +49 (611) 74319
Fax.: +49 (611) 724062
Opening hours:
Mon,Tue: 09.00-18.30, Wed,Fri: 09.00-12.30 13.30-18.30, Thu:
Sat: 09.00-12.30 13.30-17.30

Location: Germany, Wiesbaden
This bank rating:
GD Star Rating
ReiseBank Branches in Wiesbaden, Germany 5 out of 5 based on 2 ratings.


ReiseBank is the market leader in Germany in the field of travel cash for 85 years. As a 100% subsidiary of DZ Bank AG, the Bank is involved in joint financial groups of local cooperative banks with more than 1,200 credit unions.  Read more »